NPR News and Music Discovery for the Four Corners

Northern Cree, Ewipihcihk, Feature CD, 5/16

1982, Northern Cree singers were founded by Steve Wood, his brothers Randy & Earl Wood.  The group originates from Saddle Lake Cree Nation, but is made up of members from the Treaty 6 area from; Frog Lake Cree Nation, Onion Lake Cree Nation, Samson Cree Nation, Louis Bull Cree Nation & Poundmaker Cree Nation.

30+ years and 37 albums out on the market, Northern Cree is a multi-Grammy nominations, multi-Juno nominations & have been awarded multi-Native American Music Awards & Canadian Aboriginal Music Awards.  Northern Cree also won numerous Pow-Wow singing competitions and they are the only traditional Canadian Aboriginal group to have ever been nominated for the Prestigious Grammy Awards.

Join us this Friday, May 16, 2014 12PM (MST) for this weeks Feature CD, Northern Cree, Ewipihcihk, Cree Round Dance Songs.  Ewipihcihk was composed to pay tribute to the Round Dance (pihci), the social gathering that is at the heart of the wintertime in Cree Country.  This CD was donated to KSUT by Canyon Records, for more information  about other traditional or contemporary recordings visit Canyon Records at

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Lorena Richards is an enrolled member of the Southern Ute Indian Tribe & lifelong resident of Ignacio, CO. A mother of three, Lorena has worked at KSUT Tribal Radio for over eight years. Before her passion for radio, Lorena’s passion was cooking which took her to Culinary School. Returning home she began volunteering for KSUT and has since worked her way into a full-time position & the current Content Director for Tribal Radio. Lorena has two afternoon programs during the week and she hosts the Tuesday & Thursday "Native Morning Show." Her goal is to get her Bachelor’s degree in Video Journalism.